博士,研究员。2013年获中国科学院大学博士学位,随后在中国科学院生态环境研究中心从事博士后研究并工作至今。现任中国科学院饮用水科学与技术重点实验室副主任。主要从事水质风险识别与控制研究,在饮用水水源藻源水质识别与控制方面的机理解析、技术研发与大型水体工程化应用方面取得了重要成果。针对我国普遍存在的水源嗅味问题提出了基于产嗅藻生态位特征的原位抑藻控嗅技术,系统应用于上海青草沙水库,推广至广东、浙江等18座水源水库,有力保障了各水源水质安全。 主持国家自然科学基金、重点研发课题、企业工程应用类项目20余项。在Water Research等学术期刊上发表论文30余篇,授权专利、软著共6项,转化2项,编写《饮用水嗅味控制与管理技术指南》等专著。获华夏奖二等奖(3/15,2020)、中国科学院杰出成就奖(集体,2021)、北京市水利学会科学技术奖一等奖(2021)、中国城镇供水排水协会科学技术特等奖(14/15,2022)。
博士-环境工程 | 中国科学院生态环境研究中心
本科-环境科学 | 武汉大学
WR2023a: Tengxin Cao, Ming Su, Min Yang, et. al. Early warning of MIB episode based on gene abundance and expression in drinking water reservoirs. Water Research 2023;231:119667. 10.1016/j.watres.2023.119667.
How to know when MIB episode comes? / Gene may tell you. Try / qPCR with mic gene! -
WR2025: Tengxin Cao, Ming Su, Min Yang, et. al. Green Light Suppresses Cell Growth but Enhances Photosynthetic Rate and MIB Biosynthesis in PE-Containing Pseudanabaena. Water Research 2025;231:123336. 10.1016/j.watres.2025.123336.
Red light fuels the growth, / Green deepens the pigments’ hue, / MIB’s quiet rise. -
WR2024: Jiao Fang, Ming Su, Min Yang, et. al. Mitigating harmful cyanobacterial blooms in drinking water reservoirs through in-situ sediment resuspension. Water Research 2024;267:122509. 10.1016/j.watres.2024.122509.
Cyanobacterial bloom in source water? / No solution? Try / in-situ Sediment Resuspension -
HA2019: Zeyu Jia, Ming Su, Tingting Liu, Qingyuan Guo, Qi Wang, Michael Burch, Jianwei Yu, and Min Yang. Light as a regulator of MIB-producing Planktothrix in source water: mechanism and in-situ verification. Harmful Algae, Volume 88, 2019, Article 101658. 10.1016/j.hal.2019.101658
Light nurtures the deep, / Shadows hold their quiet sweep— / Cyanobacteria creep. -
WR2019: Tingting Liu, Jianwei Yu, Ming Su, Zeyu Jia, Chunmiao Wang, Ye Zhang, Chunhua Dou, Michael Burch, and Min Yang. Production and Fate of Fishy Odorants Produced by Two Freshwater Chrysophyte Species under Different Temperature and Light Conditions. Water Research 2019;157, 529–534. 10.1016/j.watres.2019.04.004
Fishy scents arise, / Cold waters whisper secrets— / Light and warmth decide. -
WR2022: Jinping Lu, Ming Su, et. al. Driving forces for the growth of MIB-producing Planktothricoides raciborskii in a low-latitude reservoir. Water Research 2022;220:118670. 10.1016/j.watres.2022.118670.
MIB persists long / Warm reservoirs bloom anew / Odor challenges. -
WR2023b: Jinping Lu, Ming Su, Min Yang, et. al. MIB-derived odor management based upon hydraulic regulation in small drinking water reservoirs: Principle and application. Water Research 2023;244:120485. 10.1016/j.watres.2023.120485.
Small reservoirs / Adjust HRT to halt / MIB odors. -
WR2013: Ming Su, Min Yang, et al. Establishment of quantitative PCR methods for the quantification of geosmin-producing potential and Anabaena sp. in freshwater systems. Water Research 2013;47(10):3444-3454. 10.1016/j.watres.2013.03.043.
Geosmin presence felt, / PCR quickens the path, / Water's taste revealed. -
JES2014: Ming Su, Min Yang, et al. Spatial and temporal variations of two cyanobacteria in the mesotrophic Miyun reservoir, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2014;26(2):289-298. 10.1016/S1001-0742(13)60433-7.
Cyanobacteria bloom, / In Miyun’s mesotrophic, / Depths of the water. -
Hydrobiologia2014: Ming Su, Min Yang, et al. Importance of underwater light field in selecting phytoplankton morphology in a eutrophic reservoir. Hydrobiologia 2014;724:203–216. 10.1007/s10750-013-1739-2.
Light field in water, / Phytoplankton choose their form, / Seasonal changes. -
WR2015: Ming Su, Jianwei Yu, Min Yang, et al. MIB-producing cyanobacteria (Planktothrix sp.) in a drinking water reservoir: Distribution and odor producing potential. Water Research 2015;68:444-453. 10.1016/j.watres.2014.09.038.
Cyanobacter bloom, / Shallow waters' MIB, / Odor risks arise. -
STE2017: Ming Su, Wei An, Min Yang, et al. Reducing production of taste and odor by deep-living cyanobacteria in drinking water reservoirs by regulation of water level. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 574, Pages 1477-1483. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.08.134.
Cyanobacteria deep, / Water levels shifted steep, / Odor risks now asleep. -
STE2019: Ming Su, Min Yang, et al. Succession and interaction of surface and subsurface cyanobacterial blooms in oligotrophic/mesotrophic reservoirs: A case study in Miyun Reservoir. Science of The Total Environment 649 (2019): 1553-1562. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.307.
Cyanobacteria grow, / Surface and subsurface dance, / Reservoirs transform. -
GeoHealth2020: Ming Su, Shushi Peng, Zhaomin Dong, et. al. A Warm Summer is Unlikely to Stop Transmission of COVID‐19 Naturally. GeoHealth 2020;4:e2020GH000292 10.1029/2020GH000292.
Elderly at risk, / Warmth won't halt the virus' march, / Policy slows time. -
JES2021: Ming Su, Min Yang et. al. Ecological Niche and in-situ Control of MIB Producers in Source Water. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2021;110, 119–128. 10.1016/j.jes.2021.03.026
MIB lingers low, / Hidden where the light won’t go— / Waters whisper woes. -
WR2021: Ming Su, Min Yang, et al. Identification of MIB producers and odor risk assessment using routine data: A case study of an estuary drinking water reservoir. Water Research 2021;192:116848. 10.1016/j.watres.2021.116848.
MIB detection done, / Estuary's risk forecasted, / Water treatment strain. -
npj Clean Water: Ming Su, Yiping Zhu, Tom Andersen, Xianyun Wang, Zhiyong Yu, Jinping Lu, Yichao Song, Tengxin Cao, Jianwei Yu, Yu Zhang, and Min Yang. Light-Dominated Selection Shaping Filamentous Cyanobacterial Assemblages Drives Odor Problem in a Drinking Water Reservoir. npj Clean Water 2022;5:37. 10.1038/s41545-022-00181-2.
Light shapes their niche / Pseudanabaena reigns / Odors subside slow -
ER2023: Ming Su, Min Yang, et. al. Biosynthesis of 2-methylisoborneol is regulated by chromatic acclimation of Pseudanabaena. Environmental Research 2023;221:115260. 10.1016/j.envres.2023.115260.
Green light promotes / MIB synthesis and PE / Odor risks increase -
ER2022: MD. Suruzzaman, Yongjing Wang, Ming Su, et. al. Evaluation of the MIB-producing potential based on real-time qPCR in drinking water reservoirs. Environmental Research 2022;204:112308. 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112308.
Green light promotes / MIB synthesis and PE / Odor risks increase -
苏命, “第4章 典型产嗅藻的环境行为与产嗅特征,” 饮用水嗅味问题:来源与控制, eds. 杨敏,于建伟,等 (北京: 科学出版社, 2021), pp. 120-161.
饮用水有味道? / 从哪里来,看看 / 产嗅藻。 -
苏命, “第5章 湖库型水源地产嗅藻控制策略,” 饮用水嗅味问题:来源与控制, eds. 杨敏,于建伟,等 (北京: 科学出版社, 2021), pp. 120-161.
饮用水源嗅味 / 该如何防控? / 看看这里。