Production and fate of fishy odorants produced by two freshwater chrysophyte species under different temperature and light conditions

Fishy scents arise,
Cold waters whisper secrets—
Light and warmth decide.
Fishy odorants
Environmental conditions
Odor production
Water quality

WR2019: Tingting Liu, Jianwei Yu, Ming Su, Zeyu Jia, Chunmiao Wang, Ye Zhang, Chunhua Dou, Michael Burch, and Min Yang. Production and Fate of Fishy Odorants Produced by Two Freshwater Chrysophyte Species under Different Temperature and Light Conditions. Water Research 2019;157, 529–534. 10.1016/j.watres.2019.04.004


刘 婷婷

于 建伟

贾 泽宇

王 春苗

张 野

Hohhot Water Supply Monitoring Center

豆 春华

Hohhot Water Supply Monitoring Center

Michael Burch

University of Adelaide, Department of Ecology & Environmental Science






鱼腥味已成为饮用水中最常见的审美水质问题之一。本研究探讨了温度(8°C、16°C 和 24°C)和光照强度(10、41 和 185 μmol photons m−2 s−1)对两种与鱼腥味事件相关的金藻类——Synura uvellaOchromonas sp. 的藻类生长及产嗅物质的影响。研究鉴定出五种多不饱和醛衍生物,包括2,4-庚二烯醛、2-辛烯醛、2,4-辛二烯醛、2,4-癸二烯醛和2,4,7-癸三烯醛,为鱼腥味物质。研究显示,虽然生物量产量随温度升高而增加,但较低温度(8°C)下的嗅味物质产量更高。嗅味物质的产生及细胞产量随光照强度的增加而降低。嗅味物质的生物降解和挥发与温度相关,其生物降解半衰期在8°C时为6–10小时,而在24°C时为2–4小时;挥发半衰期在8°C时为36–97天,而在24°C时为6–17天。这些发现有助于解释为什么鱼腥味事件更常见于较冷季节,并为水环境中鱼腥味问题的管理提供了新的见解。


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    title       = {Production and fate of fishy odorants produced by two freshwater chrysophyte species under different temperature and light conditions},
    author      = {Tingting Liu and Jianwei Yu and Ming Su and Zeyu Jia and Chunmiao Wang and Ye Zhang and Chunhua Dou and Michael Burch and Min Yang},
    year        = 2019,
    journal     = {Water Research},
    publisher   = {Elsevier {BV}},
    volume      = 157,
    pages       = {529--534},
    url         = {},
    doi         = {10.1016/j.watres.2019.04.004}