Search Email by Alias in Mutt

Aim: search email items using alias

It is very neccessary to search email by the name, since we usually can not rember the email address, but the names.

However, there is no built-in solutions to do this.


Since mutt extact the name from a file called alias, and mutt has very handy function of limit.

I build a workflow by reading the input (name), and find the email address by sed etc., then create a dynamic macro to limit the email items using the found email address. As shown below:

  • Add the following line in muttrc:
macro index,pager f "<shell-escape>~/.config/mutt/bin/\n:source /tmp/from\nQ\n" "Search email by alias"
  • Shell script to fetch the email address, and make a dynamic macro
$cat ~/.config/mutt/bin/

read alias

if [[ $alias == "t "* ]]; then
    alias=${alias#*t }
    email=`cat ~/.config/mutt/aliases | grep $alias | \
        sed -e "s/^.*<\(.*\)>$/~t '\1' | /g" | \
        xargs | sed -e "s/^/l/g" | sed -e "s/|$//g"`
elif [[ $alias == "c "* ]]; then
    alias=${alias#*c }
    email=`cat ~/.config/mutt/aliases | grep $alias | \
        sed -e "s/^.*<\(.*\)>$/~c '\1' | /g" | \
        xargs | sed -e "s/^/l/g" | sed -e "s/|$//g"`
elif [[ $alias == "f "* ]]; then
    alias=${alias#*f }
    email=`cat ~/.config/mutt/aliases | grep $alias | \
        sed -e "s/^.*<\(.*\)>$/~f '\1' | /g" | \
        xargs | sed -e "s/^/l/g" | sed -e "s/|$//g"`
elif [[ $alias == "fc "* ]]; then
    alias=${alias#*fc }
    email=`cat ~/.config/mutt/aliases | grep $alias | \
        sed -e "s/^.*<\(.*\)>$/~f '\1' | ~c '\1' | /g" | \
        xargs | sed -e "s/^/l/g" | sed -e "s/|$//g"`
elif [[ $alias == "tc "* ]]; then
    alias=${alias#*tc }
    email=`cat ~/.config/mutt/aliases | grep $alias | \
        sed -e "s/^.*<\(.*\)>$/~t '\1' | ~c '\1' | /g" | \
        xargs | sed -e "s/^/l/g" | sed -e "s/|$//g"`
    email=`cat ~/.config/mutt/aliases | grep $alias | \
        sed -e "s/^.*<\(.*\)>$/~f '\1' | ~c '\1' | ~t '\1' | /g" | \
        xargs | sed -e "s/^/l/g" | sed -e "s/|$//g"`

if [[ "X"$email == "X" ]]; then
    echo "No alias found"
    if [[ -e /tmp/from ]]; then
        rm /tmp/from
    echo 'macro index Q "'$email'"' > /tmp/from
    echo >> /tmp/from

How to use

  • In mutt, type f to trigger the macro, wait for typing;
  • Type the alias. In my case, alias is shown as follows. If one has more than one email, I use firstlast[1-9] for different alias name.
alias firstlast First LAST <>
alias firstlast1 First LAST <>
  • As shown in the, 6 modes are supported for different cases:
  • Then the shell script will create a macro the limit to the corresponding email items.


Ming Su
Ming Su
Associate Professor of Environmental Engneering

My research interest is water quality problems in drinking water bodies, with a focus on harmful algal blooms and associated taste & odor problems.